Regular Diamond Acquisition Process

Our regular diamond acquisition process is a crucial aspect of maintaining a well-stocked reserve. We procure both rough (uncut and unpolished) and polished diamonds.

For rough diamonds, the process is straightforward. We collaborate with a licensed diamond trading company in Antwerp, which imports or purchases rough diamonds on behalf of us. Upon arrival in Antwerp, these diamonds already passed the certification by the Kimberly Process, ensuring they are not conflict diamonds. Additionally, they go through the official state registration and import procedures. These certified rough diamonds are stored securely in our diamond vault. Before entering the polishing process, these rough diamonds become the object of regular auditing, and their value becomes part of our reserve.

In the case of already polished diamonds, the licensed diamond trading company in Antwerp, collaborating with us, ensures before purchasing on behalf of us that these polished diamonds are offically registered by the state, natural, untreated, certified by the Kimberly Process and certified by one of the accredited institutions , or . Subsequently, they are sent to two independent and accredited institutions, namely and for certification. This process provides us with comprehensive information about the diamonds' characteristics and serves as the basis for accurate valuations, drawing from three reputable sources. After successfully passing these steps, these polished diamonds become the object of insurance and regular auditing and their value becomes part of our reserve.

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